
This section is dedicated to people and their stories. It’s as simple as that. Any topic or idea that ignites that fire in you, makes you giggle or helps you stay motivated to become the best version of yourself can be found here.


My Vilnius: A Store Inviting All the Sneaker Lovers Out There

My Vilnius is a series of interviews that introduce you to people who call...
paupys in Vilnius

An Outsider’s Look into Vilnius: An Interview with Postcards by Hannah

Over the past five years, Vilnius has attracted more and more international influencers and...
Paulius Latakas Architect

My Vilnius: When Architecture is at the Epicentre of Everything You Do

My Vilnius is a series of interviews introducing you to people who call Vilnius...
Matteo Covacci in vilnius

My Vilnius: A Fusion of Top-notch Italian Cuisine and Lithuanian Lifestyle

My Vilnius is a series of interviews introducing you to people who call Vilnius...